Monday, December 14, 2015

Birthday on a Gaudete Sunday

It was my sister's birthday yesterday. Her birthday this year falls on the 3rd Sunday of Advent. She's my younger sister but more mature than me psychologically and emotionally. Able to handle difficulty and still manage to smile despite every challenges -- one of the bravest and courageous mom I've ever meet. Words can't express the gratitude I always feel for having her as my sister. I may not be the best sister for her as she is for me. So I am praying to God for more Grace and Mercy and blessings and hoping for all the best of everything life has to offer. I love her much :)

Here she is as she expresses her happiness for the God's gift of life and everything in between:

Dec 13, 2015 is Gaudete Sunday.

“Gaudete” latin for  Rejoice. And the pink/rose candle is lit. And it’s my birthday.

After hearing the mass, the song “Rejoice in the Lord Always” is on a repeat-play mode (in my mind).

Joy is one of the things you make, not search. You need to give joy in order for joy to come back and find you. Joy happens when you create it for others.

And for the last 365 days, I, we, have a lot of reasons to rejoice and be joyful.

Though we are still in the roller coaster ride since the fire incident 2 years ago, we have many reasons to rejoice.

  • Our 28-weeker preemie is now starting with her physical therapy to catch up with her delays, yes, she is diagnosed with Global Development Delay (GDD) and we rejoice because she’s catching up.
  • Another check mark on our “Debt List” – yes we have a list and we rejoice because we are able to get by in spite of the challenges and we rejoice because of the special people we owe and their generosity.
  • We rejoice because we have a very supportive family and friends, near and far, they never cease to give words of encouragement.

Answered and unanswered prayers, we rejoice because in spite of our shortcomings God always answer our prayers in different ways.

Indeed, we rejoice in the Lord always.

Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice.



  1. My brother has cerebral palsy and GDD also. And he's underging therapy as well. He's 12 now and we feel so happy for having him. So hold on tight mum. Prayers for your baby.

  2. Praise God! I am hopeful for 2016, I believe it will be a better year, sis, for all of us. :)

  3. Happy happy birthday to your siste. May the good Lord bless her with so many blessings!

  4. Happy birthday to the little sister. And yes, I firmly believe God answers our prayers in his own way.

  5. I hope the baby continue to be well. By God's grace, whatever baggage that we have right now, it too shall pass. =)

  6. She really has a lot to be grateful for. I'm happy to know that her baby is coping :)

  7. Your sis is a strong admirable

  8. happy birthday to your sister! cheers to her being a strong woman! God bless :)

  9. Happy birthday to your sister! I wish good health and happiness in life. :)

  10. As long as we have our life, we have a lot to be thankful for :)

  11. Happy birthday to your sister! Sisters truly are wonderful blessings from the Lord! :)


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